

Thursday, September 17, 2009

BIG change, BIG week

Last week was quite a week...

Melia started preschool...Chris got laid off...24 hours later had an interview set-up and got a job...Eva turned 2...Melia had her first soccer game.

Last Tuesday morning Melia was ready to go backpack in hand. She walked through the doors of her preschool, found her cubby, hung up her backpack, entered the room, found her name tag, and went off to play. All was I thought. As I was getting ready to leave, two little girls started screaming, and I mean, plug your ears, breaking glass screaming. Melia looked at me, her smile turned to panic, her lip curled, and the tears started flowing down her face. Having two infants and a soon to be two-year old, with me, I gave her a hug, and told her I would see her soon. The teacher, who was sitting in front of the door, to prevent escapees, tried to calm her as I left. I put P, Ty, and Eva in the car, drove up to the curb and ran to the outside window, to check on her. She was standing in front of the door, finger in her mouth, sobbing. My heart was breaking. I got back in the car and drove home.

Four kids under four all packed up and ready to go...Ty is with us on Tuesdays!!!

Finding her cubby

and in she goes

9:30am, and Eva, who has been asking incessantly for Melia since leaving the school, is now starting to cry. She does not understand why her sister is gone, and wants her back immediately.

What a sad little sister...she ran back to the car when I told her it was time to go get "Mia"

I just get her calmed down and the phone rings. It's Chris calling from work to tell me that the sales group that he works in was eliminated and he no longer has a job. He had to go pack his desk and he would call me back in a little bit.

Already on the edge of tears, my heart breaking for my girls, I called Rebekah, and the tears started flowing uncontrollably. She listened to my sobs and offered words of encouragement. As reality set in I went from feeling very unsure to knowing in my heart we could trust in the Lord.

10:00am - Melia's teacher called to let me know she was doing made my heart smile.

10:40- I pack up the kids, and head back to pick up Melia. She had a smile on her face, and although reminding me that she cried and wanted me to stay with her, she has a good time. Chris came home in the afernoon and spent hours on the phone and internet, updating his resume, and trying to make connections with people from Compuware (his previous company) and by the end of the day, he had an interview set up for the next morning.

As of Thursday afternoon, he had a job at Compuware again. Praise God for His provision. He starts tomorrow!!! We enjoyed having daddy home for a few extra days this week.

Thursday was a big day, not only is Chris employed again, but our Eva girl turned 2. We had a great family day. Melia had preschool again (and did great dropping off this time, she was a little nervous when the crying started again, but she put on her brave face and joined the fun), and then we spent the day at a local orchard. We picked apples, pears, squash, peppers, and green/yellow beans. My mom and niece joined us for our day of fun.

Picking Beans

Picking/eating apples

Lots of playing...

and kissing goats....

more kissing goats...

Chris's favorite animal...I can't tell you how many times he has asked if we can buy a billy goat.

Over the weekend Melia had her first soccer game. I think Chris was more excited than M to go pick out soccer shoes, shorts, shin guards, and socks. She looks so adorable decked out in all her gear.

#28 is the cutest girl on the field

We also celebrated Eva's 2nd b-day. I cannot believe that our baby girl is two years old. Two years ago, I delivered her in an ambulance with my best friend, Rebekah, by my side. You can read the whole story here. Next week we will go see the EMT's that delivered her. It is always a fun time.

Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!!!!

Just a cute pict of P...can't forget about him!!


Laura said...

What a week, Meeghan! I am SO THANKFUL everything worked out quickly with Chris's job...I can empathize how scary loss of a job is, and I thank God you didn't have to feel that way long. I can also empathize with pre-school hard to leave our baby girls! I'll have to give you a call soon :)

Ps. Melia looks absolutely adorable!

Rebekah said...

That's SOME week. I'm glad it all worked itself always does, but that doesn't make the "now" part easier...You are the only person I know that could handle all that you do - with an added kid on top of it! Keep it up Mama, you're doing AWESOME.

karen said...

Big changes and a big week hardly begins to say it...but as usual you all came through with flying you all

Running after the heart of the Father. Seeking His face in All things. Walking His will out in my life. These are the desires of my heart. Along the way I am a wife and mom who wants to capture memories that will last a life time.